Care of a skin with the first signs of aging (collagen +)
Cleansing gel - cleansing gel
The universal tool is used to cleanse the surface of any type skin. Thanks to the natural ingredients supports the natural balance of the skin, moisturizes and tones the skin. Purification begins with the lips and the eyes, and then skin. A small amount (2 ml) was applied to the skin by emulsifying the massage lines, and remove wet sponges.
Texture peel - Texture Peeling
exture peeling removes only weakly related to the scales, without any damage. Importantly, peeling does not contain abrasives, peeling is carried out by connecting the components of the drug with keratin, sebiumom and drying of the drug on the air during a massage. As a result, until complete exfoliation slide preparation. Roll down the ability of peeling is currently the most harmless and comfortable.
A small amount of gel (2 ml) and spread over the skin with light circular movements to form the abrasion crumb skin. Then wipe away the crumbs with dry discs or a well-wrung sponge. rolling time 2-3 minutes.
Essence Se 100 No. 4 Placenta Placenta concentrate, 30mlи.
La Sincere Essence Se 100 No. 4 Placenta is a serum for depleted mature skin that increases vitality and restores youth with the help of 4 types of placenta.
Placenta is a biologically active elixir for the skin. Contains more than 100 essential components: lipids, polysaccharides, amino acids, nucleic acids, enzymes, vitamins, microelements, growth factors. The placenta accelerates tissue regeneration, stimulates the immune system, and enhances cellular metabolism.
Essence SE 100 No. 2 Collagen – Collagen monoconcentrate. 30 ml
The highly biotechnological concentrate is used as replacement therapy, for skin rehabilitation and rejuvenation. Prevents the destructive destruction of collagen fibers, promotes the replacement of amino acids in the skin, and has a wound-healing and powerful moisturizing effect. Increases tone, elasticity, improves skin microrelief, reduces the severity of wrinkles. The effectiveness of using this ingredient has been proven by the results of dermatological clinical studies conducted over 15 years. Literally from the first use it clearly demonstrates its characteristics. Suitable for any skin type.
It helps accelerate blood flow and increases the permeability of biological membranes. Deep penetrating, as conductor of the active components, allowing gradual release of low molecular weight components of cosmetics. Concentrate (R) - 1 ml + Essence Ceramid -1ml + G -2ml mix lotion, solution applied to the skin and sliding movements of the negative electrode (-) on the handle skin massage lines. Or concentrate be applied directly to the skin and a napkin to moisten lotion. Duration of iontophoresis is 5-10 minutes
Duration of iontophoresis is 5-10min
Carefy essence (EX) — Эссенция для сухой кожи
The means on the basis of the gel biotseramidami has highly permeable properties, interacting with epidermal intercellular lipids, restores, strengthens the lipid barrier of the skin and normalize fluid balance. Cholesterol, which is part of the essence controls permeability of cell membranes increases the strength and viability of the cells. Components essences actively soften, soothe dry skin and prevent peeling and fixing skin wrinkles.
1 ml shall be distributed on the skin along the massage lines.
Active repair oil - Restorative massage oil with retinol
It promotes skin cell renewal. It activates the proliferation, maturation of cells and aids in exfoliating massage corneocytes. Slows synthesis of melanin, accelerates the synthesis of collagen. Oily extract activates blood circulation and metabolic processes in tissues, increases the nutrient supply to the cellular system. The combination of vit. A and vit. C protects against lipid peroxidation.
Suggested Use: 1 ampoule (3 ml) is ideal for deep intensive massage. After the massage tool, it is recommended not to remove
Active repair mask - retinoic restoring mask
Hallmark Active repair mask, its structure is: after application to the skin tissue is heated and the mask structure itself gel to 20 degrees. Actively working on the skin, the components of the mask, enhance cell regeneration, stimulates cellular metabolism, strengthens skin structure, stimulate microcirculation and cellular respiration. The mask has a moisturizing effect, improves elasticity and skin tone can be used alone or in combination with kontsetratami that increase the impact of mask.
Do not apply to the skin with inflammatory elements in the acute stage and allergy to vitamin A! Apply 10-15 grams of the drug on the skin and spread evenly over the entire surface of the eyes and lips to protect cotton pad.
Clear rich R - Gel for Dry Skin
Прекрасно сбалансированные ингредиенты в сочетании нанокомплексов, с постепенным высвобождением активных компонентов, позволяют осуществлять эффективное воздействие в течение 24 часов. В состав геля входит растительный восстанавливающий комплекс, который повышает устойчивость эпидермиса к экстремальным воздействиям окружающей среды (солнце, холод, ветер). Оптимизирует обмен липидов в коже, помогает коже в синтезе собственных гиалуроновой кислоты и коллагена. Экстракт водорослей pullulan обеспечивают подтягивающий эффект, образуя на поверхности кожи тончайшую пленку, способствующую выравниванию кожи и предотвращению испарения влаги.
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